DONATIONS: We are collecting money to repave the parking lot and replace the fencing. If you would like to give in that area, please mark your offering envelopes “Parking lot and Fence”.
CEMETERY PLOTS: The Richmond Methodist Church has been given 44 cemetery plots at Fort Steuben Burial Estates. The church would like to sell them as we really have no need to keep them. The present price for the plots at the cemetery is near $1600 each. The church’s asking price is $600 each. The plots are located in the East Park sections A-12 plots, B- 8 plots, and C-24 plots. The East Park section is located immediately inside the main entrance. For more information contact the church office at 740-765-4957.
KROGER CARDS: Thank you to all those who have been participating in the Kroger Rewards that benefit the Sr. Youth Group. If you aren’t signed up in the program & would like to be part of it, their organization number is PB919. If you need more information, please contact Betty Powley (740-543-8448) or the church office (740-765-4957).