COME JOIN US ON SEPTEMBER 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. Talk to scout families, leaders, and other scouts and see what we are all about. Everyone welcome!!!

Cub Scout Family Pack 20 Meets Thursdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Cub Scouts start at age 5/Kindergarten with Lion Cubs and end at age 10 /5th Grade with crossing over into the Troop and becoming a Scout. Cub Scout Pack 20 is an active pack. Our Cub Scout Families regularly go camping, creeking, fishing, and hiking. The cub scouts learn first aid, fire building, knot tieing, citizenship, fitness, nutrition, nature, aquatics, games, public speaking, history, safe use of tools, whittling and safe use of pen knives among other things.

BSA Scout Troop 20 is a male troop that Meets Thursdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

The Troop is for boys ages 10.5 to 18. Troop 20 is a very active troop that regularly goes camping and plans fun outdoor activities with the scouts to foster leadership, citizenship, and values in our youth. Like the cub scouts, the troop program focuses on outdoor activities to get our kids outside in nature. We go white water rafting, skiing, kayaking, hiking, and biking.

Venture Crew 20 is a Co-Ed crew that meets twice a month.

Venturing is for males and females ages 14 to 21. Our venture crew is considered “High Adventure”. They regularly plan high adventure-themed outings.


BSA Troop 22. Troop 22 is an all-female troop for girls from ages 10.5 to 18. Troop 22 will focus on the same outdoor activities as the male troop.